NewsNew Multi Donor Trust Funds (MDTFs) and Joint Programmes (JPs)

The Next Generation of Peacebuilding Funding: Fast, Relevant and Catalytic

In late 2009 and early 2010 a few new MDTFs and JPs were established, including: Stabilization and Recovery Funding Facility in Eastern DRC (SRFF), Kyrgyzstan One Fund, Local Governance and Community Development in Nepal,  Joint Integrated Local development in Moldova and Uganda Gender Equality

In late 2009 and early 2010 a few new MDTFs and JPs were established, including: Stabilization and Recovery Funding Facility in Eastern DRC (SRFF), Kyrgyzstan One Fund, Local Governance and Community Development in Nepal,  Joint Integrated Local development in Moldova and Uganda Gender Equality Joint Programme.


Stabilization and Recovery Funding Facility in Eastern DRC (SRFF)

The SRFF was launched in November 2009 by the Prime Minister of Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), the UN Special Representative of the Secretary General and head of the UN Mission to support stabilization and recovery activities in the Eastern provinces of the DRC. The SRFF was defined on the basis of the Stabilization and Re-construction Plan for War-Affected Areas and the Stabilization Strategy, and focuses on four areas: improving security, restoration of state authority, return and reintegration of internally-displaced persons and refugees and community recovery, and addressing sexual violence. Already at the launch, the SRFF received a US$20 million contribution from the Peacebuilding Fund (PBF) to support the implementation of the DRC Peacebuilding Priority Plan and US$ 2.6 million from the Netherlands and US$ 15 million from Belgium. 

The establishment of the SRFF responds to several key ob-jectives: (i) providing a coherent strategic and collective in-ternational framework for supporting the Government efforts to stabilize Eastern DRC; (ii) ensuring that the international community is able to respond quickly to changes on the ground and address new priorities as they emerge; and (iii) strengthening the overall impact and effectiveness of international support by ensuring a collective approach and preventing duplication and fragmentation of efforts.

Kyrgyzstan One Fund

In a continued effort to improve aid effectiveness and timely support to the Government of Kyrgyzstan, the UN system in Kyrgyzstan has designed a One UN Programme 2010–2011. The One Programme is based on the current United Nations Development Assistance Framework (UNDAF) 2005-2011.  In the framework of the One UN Programme, the One Fund was established in December 2009. It will support the new or expanded initiatives in response to emerging national needs and address the effects of energy and food insecurity and the global economic crisis. Resources for the One Fund will be mobilized by the UNCT through various sources, including the UNDG Expanded Delivering as One Funding Window (EFW).

New Joint Programmes (JPs):

Local Governance and Community Development in Nepal (LGCDP)

The LGCDP brings together the activities of five UN Organizations – UNDP, UNICEF, UNFPA, UNV and UNCDF. The JP is fully aligned with the overall framework provided by the national Government of Nepal “Local Governance and Community Development Programme” and contributes to poverty reduction in Nepal through improved and more inclusive local governance and service delivery. More specifically, the JP builds on the experiences of different UN agencies in the areas of decentralization, local governance and community-led development and support the implementation of a range of activities.

The JP is supported by DFID and Denmark, with contributions of US$10.8 million and US$2.5 million, respectively.

Joint Integrated Local Development in Moldova

Drawing upon Moldovan and global expertise in facilitating local self-governance and community-led development, UNDP and UNIFEM developed an Integrated Local Development Programme (ILDP), which will be supported by Sweden (Swedish Kronor 45 million), that provides knowledge-based policy advice at central and regional levels coupled with a scaled up community-level intervention that aims to integrate local authorities into regional and community level development processes.  The ILDP will deepen engagement with communities and local authorities, and will lay a foundation for regional and community-led development.

Gender Equality in Uganda

The JP on Gender Equality in Uganda was concluded in December 2009 and involves participation of 11 UN Agencies. 

Gender equality and women’s empowerment are embedded in the Millennium Declaration and are imperative for achievement of seven Millennium Development Goals.  The JP focuses on enhancing progress in the attainment of those MDGs that hinge on women’s empowerment. Activities include: advocacy, capacity building and support for policy formulation and implementation.

The JP will be supported by DFID with approximately US$ 21.5 million over the next 4.5 years.